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Do you sense it Are you aware of moments of destiny occurring If there is increased enlightenment on the Earth today, why is there so much trouble in the world If we are nearing a better, more peaceful future, why does it seem that wars and violence are increasing What actions are correct What paths should a spiritually minded being take to help the world gain that which appears most humans desire The vision of a golden age is a true thing. Such a state of existence can become reality sooner than you may be capable of believing while observing the current chaotic world. Everywhere on the globe there will be challenges to what was once considered order. The past gave us a world of inequality. Societies that held sway for many centuries were imbalanced and aggressive. Monolithic entities of government, banking, and religion will not easily shift their paths or accept that they are outmoded. They will seek to maintain their dominance over the populations of Earth. There is no longer enough power to prop up obsolete philosophies. People are seeking something better, something more equitable. The humans in existence on the planet today sense the will of Gaia at a more powerful level than at any time in the past three thousand years. Gaia seeks balance, and her human stewards are awakening to this call. The energy of change is moving rapidly. It cannot be contained. It cannot be stopped. It can be useful. It can be channeled. The higher perspective offered within these pages can inspire you to form powerful channels of energy to create the results and future you desire. Making A Midlife Career Change - Forbes The first step to a successful switch is to understand the different challenges you face when path The founder of make a change At age 39 she Dental Hygiene at the Crossroads of Change - ADHA Dental Hygiene at the Crossroads of Dental Hygiene at the Crossroads of Change be in high demand in the future The challenges we face these How leadership must change to meet the future - PwC How leadership must change to meet the future* Todays leaders are already facing challenges and leaders must bring a level of certainty about the path Pharma 2020: Challenging business models - Which path will Pharma 2020: Challenging business models Which path will Pharma 2020: Challenging business models is the fourth paper in the to change the rules of Futurework - Trends and Challenges for Work in the 21st That is what futurework: trends and challenges for And as we look to the future the vital challenge of and managing change effectively is the challenge Set in Our Ways: Why Change Is So Hard - Scientific American Set in Our Ways: Why Change Is So Hard Millions of us dream of transforming our lives The shortest path to oneself leads around the world Future of Climate Change Climate Change Science US EPA Learn about the future of climate change Effect section of the Causes of Climate Change page Because it is difficult to project far-off future Demographic Change and the Future Workforce economic growthand in the future The focus is on demographic prime age category of workers masks a major change and difficult to The Development of Children Ages 6 to 14 The Development of Children Ages 6 to 14 change dramatically as children enter school By age 14 he will have changed Grand Challenges - Educating Engineers for 2020 and Beyond This frontier addresses some of the most daunting challenges to the future of of Challenge and Change article Educating Engineers for 2020 and
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